Employer Takeaways As Agencies Team Up To Regulate AI

Chair Charlotte Burrows of the U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC) and leaders from three other federal agencies recently made a commitment to utilize existing laws to protect the public from any harmful effects of artificial intelligence (AI). This demonstrates that federal regulators possess the necessary tools to take action, and it provides employers with insight into how the EEOC might approach AI regulation.

The EEOC, along with the Federal Trade Commission, the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau, and the U.S. Department of Justice, holds broad jurisdiction over consumer protection, unfair business practices, civil rights, and the workplace. This collaboration serves as both an awareness campaign and a warning to employers and AI vendors, according to experts.

David Fortney, co-founder of FortneyScott, emphasized that the agencies are actively addressing AI and employing the enforcement authority within their reach. He stressed the importance for employers to recognize this fact and be prepared.

Experts analyzing the multi-agency announcement have shared some key takeaways from the development.


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